On this page, please find a number of Frequently Asked Questions relating to the MIL program. To see the answer to a particular question, please click on the question or the arrow to the right of the question. Please note that additional information will be added to this FAQ as the need arises.

Who qualifies for participation in the Ministry Integrated Learning (MIL) program?

An NQF 7 theological qualification (i.e. a University degree) from an accredited tersiary institution is required. Prospective candidates must also be a member of a registered AFM assembly.

What is the duration of the program?

A candidate who participates on a full-time basis, that is, working full time within an assembly (and not being secularly employed), will complete the program within one year. Candidates who participate on a part-time basis, that is, working on a part-time basis within an assembly (and being simultaneously secularly employed), will complete the program over a period of two years.

What is the registration fee for participation in the MIL program?

It amounts to R3,500 (irrespective of whether you are doing part-time or full-time). It includes the prescibed books, handouts at worksshops, as well as all refreshments and meals during the workshops.

The venue for the MIL internship?

The participation is within a registered AFM assembly under the mentorship of an ordained AFM pastor. Said mentor must already be ordained for a period of five years or more.

Application submission date?

Entrants into MIL start at the beginning of the first semester of each year (i.e. on 1 January). Closing dates for submission of applications is during the previous August – the exact date is supplied with the application form.  Application forms are available on request from the MIL Coordinator at the contact details provided below. Late applications are at risk of not being included in the lists submitted for approval to the E&T Governing Body and NLF that meet during October and November. Request application forms from the MIL Coordinator: Dr. Christo van den Berg, Private Bag X10052, Ladysmith, 3370, Email: mil@afm-ags.org     , Ph. 082 086 6269, Fax: 086 567 9168.

What is the content of the MIL program?

It consists of four components:

  • Under the supervision of a mentor, involvement in the main ministerial areas within an assembly, for instance Leadership, Management and Administration, Contextualized Community and Social involvement, Pastoral Care, Practical and Liturgical skills, and Evangelism and Missions.
  • The reading of and reporting on a minimum of four subscibed books. The latter which will be provided to the candidates at the MIL workshops.
  • The attending of four MIL workshops.
  • The submission of quarterley progress reports (for full-time candidates) and semester progress reports (for part-time candidates).